
Meditation Books

We recommend these books to anyone interested in meditation.

None of these are detailed manuals of technique; for that we recommend our internet course or evening classes. Instead, they are companions on the path. The technique of meditation is fairly simple. The implications for life are vast, and that is the subject of these books.

Clicking on a title or cover image takes you to a page with a more detailed description and links to buy on-line.


Roaring Silence

Discovering the Mind of Dzogchen

By Ngakpa Chögyam & Khandro Déchen

This book, by Aro Lamas, is an inspiring exploration of meditation from the Aro perspective. It covers the same material as our courses, but in greater depth.


Relaxing into Meditation

By Ngakma Nor’dzin

A friendly and accessible introduction to meditation, approached through relaxation and breathing exercises, written by an Aro Lama.

Zen Mind, Beginner’s Mind

By Shunryu Suzuki

A series of short, simple, and informal talks on meditation which are nevertheless luminous and profound.

The Wisdom of No Escape

And the Path of Loving Kindness

By Pema Chödrön

A clear introduction, written in a warm and encouraging style. Pema Chödrön shows how through meditation we can make friends with ourselves and thereby relieve our suffering and that of others.

Openness Mind

Self-Knowledge and Inner Peace Through Meditation

By Tarthang Tulku

An easy-to-read discussion of meditation from a perspective that speaks to Western psychological understanding, yet stays true to Buddhist principles.

Hidden Mind of Freedom

Meditation for Compassion and Self-Healing

By Tarthang Tulku

A sequel to Openness Mind, this book goes on to cover breathing exercises, mantra, and visualisation.

Aro Bücher auf Deutsch


Reise in den inneren Raum

Einführung in die tibetische Meditationspraxis.

Von Ngakpa Chögyam ( Ngak’chang Rinpoche)

Ein umfassendes Meditationshandbuch mit ausführlichen Übungsanleitungen und zahlreichen Abbildungen.


Der Fünffarbige Regenbogen

Energiearbeit mit der Farb- und Elementsymbolik des Tibetischen Tantra.

Von Ngakpa Chögyam ( Ngak’chang Rinpoche)

Die Dynamik unserer Emotionen und ihre Selbstbefreiung im Spiegel der fünf Elemente Erde, Wasser, Feuer, Luft und Raum.


Der Biß des Murmeltiers

Einblicke in die inneren Lehren des Tibetischen Buddhismus

Von Ngakpa Chögyam ( Ngak’chang Rinpoche)

Einführung in die Lehren des Dzogchen und der weißen Übertragungslinie der Nyingma-Tradition. Einblicke in die tantrische Psychologie: Die Emotionen als den Pfad umarmen.

You may also be interested in our larger section on recommended Buddhism books. Most of these also cover meditation, including methods that are not discussed in the books here.